I am Doris in N CA. Over time, this has become the "serious" blog. Since the suicide of my son, I have become involved in suicide awareness and, yes, that creeps into the blog on a fairly regular basis.
Picture one is of chains made in classes: the top is open round chain maille, my very first class; next is byzantine diamond (an original design by Colin Mahler), my second class, not difficult per so, but a bit awkward (tight spaces) and the last one is butterfly chain, a pretty fast weave. This one is done with 3 different ring sizes which shows the design better than a single size would.
In the second image are bracelets I made from kits: Mobius chain; Romanov, a byzantine variation; and double spiral - a design a really like.
The third image is a mix: the top is parallel or helm chain (made from a kit), the middle is double helm, another class; and the bottom is flower chain, a kit from Urbain Maille (http://www.urbanmaille.com/), one of my favorite suppliers.
I'm still debating whether to oxidize any or all of these but there's time.