Showing posts with label chain maille. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chain maille. Show all posts


Chain Maille Earrings

Here are some of the earrings I finished lately - there are a few more to come. They still need dangly things on the bottom - and I'm resisting pretty hard because I'm not a "dangly things on the bottom" person, but they look a bit unfinished without.
The first pair is "Butterfly" and I wonder whether they need danglies. Next is "Half Butterfly", third is "Pheasible" - a really fast and easy weave. Those are the ones I wear almost constantly which is probably why the wires are crooked. The last one in the top row is another "Half Butterfly."
The first pair in the second row is "European 4-in-1 Rosettes" and they really only look good lying down. Once I put them on, they tend to curl in on themselves, very frustrating. Next is "Double Vision" - quick and easy. Third is "Grape Cluster," another 4-in-1 variation. The last ones are "Shaggy Loops" and I wonder if they need more danglies. I almost think every dangling ring needs it's own crystal. Easy enough to fix.

New Chain Maille

Here are some of the things I've finished lately.
The first is "Beez to Butterflies" which I've been working on for ages. I showed it in the beginning stages quite a while ago when I started it and couldn't work it without using lots of paperclips. Finally done!
The next is "Bike Chain" something else I've shown earlier. It got messed up a bit when I tumbled it - turned dark for some reason. I haven't been able to figure out exactly what caused it. I've tumbled it a couple more times since and it looks much better - not as good as it did originally, but I can live with this. I also changed clasps on it three times and have finally found one I really like.
The last one is "Foxtail" or "Full Persian" - a relatively quick weave - once one can see where the rings are supposed to go. I used another box clasp. Those are fast becoming my favorites which isn't such a good thing - they are kind of pricey.
I also finished several "Orbital Chain" projects but they don't lend themselves to scanning - it requires tension on both ends for the weave to show properly.
The earrings I finished last week will go up next, soon, I hope.


More chain maille

It's what Pooh Bear would call a "blustery day" - good for doing chain maille and playing on the computer. So, I finally scanned most of my other chain maille.

Picture one is of chains made in classes: the top is open round chain maille, my very first class; next is byzantine diamond (an original design by Colin Mahler), my second class, not difficult per so, but a bit awkward (tight spaces) and the last one is butterfly chain, a pretty fast weave. This one is done with 3 different ring sizes which shows the design better than a single size would.

In the second image are bracelets I made from kits: Mobius chain; Romanov, a byzantine variation; and double spiral - a design a really like.

The third image is a mix: the top is parallel or helm chain (made from a kit), the middle is double helm, another class; and the bottom is flower chain, a kit from Urbain Maille (, one of my favorite suppliers.

I'm still debating whether to oxidize any or all of these but there's time.


Frustration ...... and success

Yesterday, I started a new chain. I found a weave I liked in a book on chain maille, ordered the rings - but never bothered to read the description or instructions. It's an advanced weave! Oops! I've only been mailling since late October.
It started out real easy - connect 2 rings to 2 other rings for a total of 10 rings (first picture). Easy, right? Part 2 was easy as well - fold back the outermost rings à la Byzantine (second picture). Then it got difficult - connect 2 units like that. While I understood the concept, I couldn't get the units to stay in place. They'd twist and turn, fall open and just absolutely refuse to cooperate.

Finally - after an hour of absolute frustration - it dawned on me that I needed paperclips - lots of paperclips. So, now the paperclips hold the rings in place while I connect the individual units. Picture 3 shows 2 units successfully connected. Yes!!!!!

Picture of finished chain/bracelet to follow eventually.


Finally something I made

I've been talking about chain maille in a couple of previous posts but have never gotten around to scanning and posting. Finally, I did.

Just 2 bracelets for starters. The top is European 4-in-1, a class I took yesterday. I had tried that particular weave before and struggled with it - there's a front and back - but this time it clicked and I really enjoyed this one (and there are weaves I do not like).

The bottom one is called "bike chain" by the instructor (Colin Mahler. Great teacher, if you ever have a chance to take a class with her, do so. She really knows what she's doing.). It also goes by "Olivia" and is a byzantine variation. This one is two-tone and will stay as is. Everything else I've made and will post eventually will be oxidized and tumbled. I just like the darker look better.

For right now, that's it. More to follow - eventually.