I certainly cannot. But, to celebrate and to reward my faithful readers for bearing with me - and I think "bearing with me" is an appropriate term considering the eclectic, very eclectic, nature of my blog - I am having a 200th post giveaway for regular readers only.
I apologize for the crummy picture quality, it's too late in the day for decent light. I hope you can tell that it's one of my shopping bags I'm giving away.
The usual rules apply: leave me a comment on this post and my husband will draw a name later this week. Maybe Friday or Saturday, we'll see. Please make sure to check back to see if you've won. There were winners in previous giveaways I had no way of contacting and they never checked back. Kind of pointless then, isn't it?
And, while I'm at it: a shameless plug for my daughter's etsy shop:
She makes very cute bags from Japanese fabrics and stitch markers for knitters, ranging from cute to elegant.
The image is "borrowed" from her etsy site.
Added quite a bit later: I should have mentioned that I'm also having a giveaway on my facebook fan page: you have to be a fan of Summerfield Designs to enter.