This just came from the Bridge Rail Foundation:
VICTORY—GGB votes to stop suicidesOctober 10, 2008
The directors of the Golden Gate Bridge district today voted 16-1 for a barrier to prevent suicides from the bridge. The vote came after bridge staff summarized the results of last summer's public review of the draft EIR and testimony from many supporters of suicide prevention on the bridge.
Today's vote comes 71 years and two months after the first suicide from the Golden Gate. It is also five years since Tad Friend published a long essay on the problem in the New Yorker magazine. That article inspired the production of Eric Steel's "The Bridge"—a film documenting a full year of GGB suicides. It also: stimulated local psychiatrists and suicide prevention groups to tackle the issue and moved the local press to examine the problem in great depth.
The GGB hearing room was packed with people supporting construction of a barrier, including retired UCSF psychiatrist Jerry Motto MD, who first pushed the district to act in the '60's.
The district action selects the net alternative as the Locally Preferred Option. Next up is completion of the EIR and development of a funding plan. These actions are likely in April of 2009. We will have more information as the issue progresses.
Archways Quilt Pattern
5 months ago
All right! The net wasn't my first choice, but it's a barrier!
I feel the same way, Marilee. I'll settle for what I can get to put an end to these needless and avoidable deaths.
I just finished reading the article in the LA Times about this and cheered out loud. Finally, a barrier! Also not my first choice, but it's so much better than nothing. I immediately wanted to come here and tell you congratulations. I know it won't bring Henry back, but it will help keep others from jumping.
Maia, My thoughts exactly. Not my first choice, but it works in other places and, hopefully, it'll serve as a deterrent more than anything else.
No, it won't bring Henry back but it helps to make something positive come out of his death - I hope.
I think this is a great idea. I do hope it gets installed quickly.No one should have to live with such a loss.
Thank you, Pat. There are quite a few of us who think they way you do.
And too many who don't :-(
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