

Yes, I know, capitalization amounts to yelling, but, in this case, it's appropriate:

The Golden Gate Bridge Authority met this morning to, among other things, "approve actions regarding the approval of the final environmental impact report for the Golden Gate Bridge physical suicide deterrent system project with with alternative 3, installation of a net system, as the locally preferred alternative" and they voted unanimously to go ahead.

Of course, the money doesn't exist yet - $50 million is a lot of money to come from grants and private donations. Bake sale anybody?

This was very welcome news - a friend called to tell me she had seen it on the news at noon. We've been dealing with a family health crisis for a week now and haven't been as on top of things are we usually would have been.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's wonderful!

I'm sorry about the health crisis, though -- I hope it clears soon.