
Live On

The following poem was sent to me a few days ago by a young man who also works for the Bridge Rail Foundation. He received it from an aunt who works in mental health. The author is anonymous, but most likely a teenager struggling with serious mental health problems. The words are so fitting for so many of us ............

Live On

Although I am floating
in feelings of blue
I will Live On

When the weight of grief, despair
threaten to crush my spirit
I will Live On

For the memory
of loved ones lost
I will Live On

To celebrate life
with grace, tranquility, hope
I will Live On


Anonymous said...

Yes, very thoughtful poem.

Beady Zoo said...

Such a profound poem. It reminded me of something shared recently: A German word for depression is schwermut, which can be literally translated to mean difficult mood or heavy courage. This poem articulates that heavy courage.

Doris said...

It is thoughtful and profound, isn't it? I put it up in a couple of places on facebook as well. Don't know if we'll ever find out who wrote it.
Kathy, thank you for reminding me of the German word. That's one I'd totally forgotten (it's just not in heavy use).

Beady Zoo said...

Apparently schwermut is primarily used professionally (psychiatry), but other words for depression are for every day use.

Thanks again for sharing the poem.